

Tutta la bontà
del gelato di una volta



Our story begins in the late 20's in Certaldo, a small picturesque town right in the heart of Tuscany with a small artisanal ice cream production.

We started selling ice creams in the streets and squares in the area around Certaldo, with a "carretto" a typical Italian trolley that lured kids with the ring of a bell. It was only the beginning of the 60's when the company became a small factory, named Gelati Menne.

Today, after 90 years of history, our secret of success remains the same: pure ingredients, professional employees, respect for consumer taste ... along with a lot of passion ensure the quality of our ice creams and consumer satisfaction.

Gelati Menne is a company that has stayed loyal to its values over the time despite the evolution of commerce and still puts tradition and product quality above all The results can easily be seen ... or rather tasted though our artisan ice cream.